The gift of Celebrating Your Wins

My Grandma Lilly who gave me my first money memory; has dementia. She struggles at times but the one constant you will always hear from her is

“We are ABUNDANTLY blessed.”

She says it to every family member, all the time. It will be her legacy in my mind.

I wholeheartedly believe in the power of words. It is the idea that the words we choose can have a significant impact on our lives, shaping our beliefs, driving our actions, and creating our world. The power of words comes from the emotional responses we have to them, and the words themselves can be used to build people up or bring them down. Whenever I leave a family event and hear that phrase from my grandma, I reflect on my drive home at how blessed my family is. It is awe inspiring.

As the year ends, reflect on all your blessings. Take the time to recognize your achievements and celebrate. Celebrating business and money wins can be hard, especially if you don’t have supportive family or entrepreneurial friends.

Make a list of 5 accomplishments from this year, then add 5 more, then add 5 more, and keep going. You will be amazed at how much you accomplished this year.

Prompts: I said no to ____. I said yes to ______. I set a boundary with this person. I started a podcast. I did a thing that was scary. I asked for money. I asked for help. I gained a new cient. I finished a project. I sent an invoice, or whatever it is.

Celebrate every win. Let's get to work.

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